Tesco is calling for planning reform in the wake of announcing plans to open eight new stores across the West Midlands. Targeting brown field sites, UK regeneration manager Martin Venning said the developments would bring around 3,500 jobs to the region, but all were dependent on successful planning applications. Venning said the system needed reforming: "There's no doubt planning policy has become overly complex now, and it's pretty difficult for all developers not just retailers. "The frustration is that unless you can have speed and clarity in the process, then many good projects that would help develop the wealth and prosperity of a community could be lost." The store plans are part of a £200m scheme across a region in which Tesco says it is under-represented. Eight brownfield sites have been identified and planning applications are in for four of them in Wolverhampton, Stourbridge, Shirley and Stafford. {{NEWS }}
