>>Consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches


From: Intercontinental Brands

Own-label RTD and wine producer Intercontinental Brands’ new range of high-juice drinks signals the company’s first foray into soft drinks. The J20 lookalike comes in five flavours and is sold in 275ml bottles.

Price: 79p per bottle

Total score: 36/50

Consumer’s Verdict

Lorna clerkin, hotel managing director, 39, Purley, Surrey

As I often have to drive when I go out, I always get excited about new non-alcoholic offerings.

I am already a big fan of Britvic’s J2O drink, so J+ had an instant appeal to me. J+ looks the part. It is very colourful, which is bound to make it stand out on-shelf.

I liked all the flavours I tested, although I found the ones mixed with orange to be a tad on the sweet side. My favourite was the apple & mango variety.

I found the new range to be less heavy than its competitor. That is a big plus for me as I can only drink a couple of bottles of J2O before I start feeling bloated.

I would probably still go for J2O if I had the choice, but would quite happily drink J+ again as it is a nice drink.

Score: 20/25

Buyer’s Verdict

Jonathon Bayne, technical buying controller, budgens

I have been sent three different flavours, namely orange & berry, apple & blackcurrant and orange & passionfruit.

The label on the bottles was quite distinctive, with the use of very bright colours, which will help them stand out on-shelf. The colour of the apple & blackcurrant and orange & berry drinks was unusual, and slightly offputting.

The orange & passionfruit was quite sweet, with quite a tangy flavour. I didn’t really enjoy it at all. The apple & blackcurrant had a strong Ribena-type aroma, but was not particularly sweet. Finally, the orange & berry was very sweet in flavour and had a dominant strawberry taste.

Overall, these drinks did not really appeal to me, but may well attract consumers who purchase these types of fruit drinks.

Score: 16/25