>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest product launches

Product: Moo Milk
Company: Milk link beverages

Mini Moo, which is made with semi-skimmed milk and contains no added sugar, is aimed at busy parents who want to feed their children healthy products.

Price: 89p per pack of three 200ml cartoons consumer’s verdict

Consumers Verdict
Mark Wickets, Company Chairman, 42, Dartford, Kent

This is unsuccessfully trying to be two things at once.

It is a long-life semi-skimmed milk drink that’s actually very tasty because it has none of the UHT taste of similar drinks. It’s healthy and aimed at mum’s buying for kids, but the packaging lets it down because, in trying to appeal to kids, it looks completely artificial and is likely to be missed by busy mums shopping in a rush.

Moo is a brand with a potentially very interesting story to tell, but telling it this way conforms to too many market norms and lets down a great product.

Oh, and my kids said, “If it’s for kids, where’s the chocolate one?”

Score: 12/25

Buyer's Verdict
Valerie Aston, Buying Controller, Proudfoot

With brightly coloured packaging and fun imagery, Mini Moo instantly catches your attention.

For kids' lunchboxes these are a parents dream of a healthy option.

Good nutritional information is given on the side of each pack, including RDA for calcium and vitamins - I as a parent appreciate seeing that.

My son initially turned his nose up at the semi-skimmed milk as he is used to full fat. It is quite a sweet-tasting product, but I am sure that would not deter children.

Bringing a new dimension in a smaller offering of milk drink, I would think these will be accepted by all.

Score: 19/25

Total score: 31/50
