>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches

From: Langguth

Veteran German wine brand Blue Nun is branching into the RTD market with the launch of Slinky. The wine-based pre-mix is aimed at women looking for an alternative to rival brands made with spirits.

Price: £1.49-£1.59 for a single 275ml bottle;
£4.99-£5.29 for four bottles

Total score: 37/50
consumer’s verdict
I like to drink white wine spritzers in pubs and at home but not usually made with Blue Nun wine.
The fact that Slinky is a spin-off from the German brand put me off at first but, after I tasted it, I soon forgot my initial reservations.
The drink is quite floral with a nice citrus taste and I found it refreshing when chilled, although I can imagine it would be unpleasant served at a warmer temperature. It wasn’t too sweet, which makes a change from similarly packaged drinks like Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi Breezer that are usually made with spirits. It’s good that manufacturers are starting to make pre-mixed drinks using wine, and although Slinky is a bit expensive for what it is, I would probably buy it in a pub or to drink at home with friends.
Score: 20/25
buyer’s verdict
This is the first time Blue Nun has entered the pre-mixed drinks market. Although Slinky is wine-based, its main rivals will be the likes of Bacardi Breezer, Smirnoff Ice and the other RTDs in the marketplace.
My first impressions were mixed. The frosted bottle has the air of a premium product but I’m not keen on the brand name. However, Slinky would look good on shelf and, from a consumer point of view, the name is easy to remember.
Although not to my taste, Slinky is light and refreshing when served well chilled and, even with an abv of 5.5%, there is not a strong taste of alcohol.
However, I think that current Blue Nun wine drinkers would be disappointed because there is not much of a wine taste to Slinky.
Score: 17/25