>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches

vida nova

From: Quinta Do Moinho

The second vintage from the Algarve estate owned by Sir Cliff Richard, this wine is available in limited supply from retailers, including Waitrose and Tesco.

Sporting the singer’s signature on the back label, it is one of a new wave of celebrity endorsed wine brands. Vida Nova is Portuguese for ‘new life’.

Price: £8.49

Total score: 40/50
consumer’s verdict

Score: 20/25
buyer’s verdict

sally holloway, wine and spirits buyer, Booths

The packaging is artistic and eye-catching - a million miles from the old-fashioned labels on some Portuguese wines. It is made in an intentionally modern New World style and the fruit is smooth and quite juicy. However, it retains some of the spiciness of Portuguese reds, with some balanced vanilla oak on the finish and zingy acidity.

It will benefit from keeping a few more months to develop some complexity as it definitely improves in the glass. The tannin is quite soft already with no harshness on the finish.

There are several ‘celebrity wines’ around now, many relying on names rather than quality. This seems a good wine with a provenance and it presents an opportunity to sell a more premium Portuguese red, which is difficult. Whether as many would buy it at this price without Sir Cliff’s signature is another matter. Score: 20/25
nProduct: Double Cream

nCompany: Nestlé Rowntree

nDistribution level: 87%

n Repeat purchase rate: 28.8%