>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches

Michelob ultra

From: Anheuser-Busch

Aimed at “modern consumers” who lead active lifestyles but still like a beer, Michelob Ultra claims it will open up a new category in the market.

Offering a brew low in calories as well as carbohydrates, it is available exclusively in Tesco.

Price: £4.19 for four 200ml bottles

Total score: 25/50
consumer’s verdict

jon lloyd, 33, financial adviser, brighton

The idea of a low carb beer would have been alien to me a few years ago but it’s amazing what effect a newborn baby can have on one’s exercise schedule. I was certainly open to the idea of keeping the beer belly under control.

However, that was as far as the excitement went. The bottles looked OK. They wouldn’t have jumped off the shelves at me but they wouldn’t have put me off either. The beer itself was really disappointing, though - very watery with a curious after-taste. Like so many low calorie products, I thought it was lacking in flavour.

I would normally opt for Stella or Kronenbourg and, on this showing, I’m afraid low-carbohydrate beer is just not a potential substitute.

My son is just going to have to put up with a weight-challenged dad.

Score: 10/25
buyer’s verdict

David smith,

beer buyer,

booths supermarkets

In its 200ml guise as a stand-alone product, Michelob Ultra may struggle against the recent trend towards larger bottles of premium lagers such as Kronenburg Premier Cru. The packaging even hints at wanting to hide the size with overly discreet labelling.

And consumers could be confused about what low carbohydrate actually means.

However, for those lucky consumers who purchase the beer, they are in for a very pleasant surprise. With its clean smell on the nose and the palate, this beer is extremely refreshing. Its balanced flavour has citrus undertones on the finish.

However, because it is aimed at the trend for dieting, it will have limited appeal, which could adversely affect sales.

Score: 15/25