Name: Mervyn McCaughey
Job Title: Managing director
Company Name: Fivemiletown Creamery
Sales: £52m at retail value
HQ: Fivemiletown, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Number of employees: 75

What's it like to work for your company? With no two days being the same it can be eventful. We never forget we are here to make award-winning cheese for our customers with everyone involved in growing the business year-on-year.

Why is it a good employer? People are actively encouraged to better themselves and the company. Staff at all levels are encouraged to acquire new knowledge.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Indian head massages and hot stone treatments. We have a company-wide health care scheme that doesn't just cover optical and dental but a whole range of therapeutic treatments.

Is there a definable company culture? With many colleagues employed here over 20 years, there is a definite family atmosphere. There is a caring nature if anyone suffers any loss or hardship.

What's the training like? Courses and seminars cover a wide range from product-related, dairy industry-specific to management development courses. 2010 is our year of staff development and there are 12 months of skills development throughout the business.

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Oh, there have been lots. Can I mention more than one? Winning Sainsbury's New Supplier of the Year, gaining ISO 14001, the environmental standard, gaining a national listing with Asda and opening a sales office outside Chester. The best, though, has got to be being able to return the highest milk price in Northern Ireland to our farmers for a consecutive six months of the year.

Are you looking for people right now? Yes. We have doubled the number of employees in the past six years and still have a few vacancies due to a continual rise in business. We are also looking for a GB sales manager (based outside Chester) to look after our GB wholesalers.

How do I find out more about the company? The company website has details on our business. A new site is being developed and will be available at the end of July. Google Fivemiletown for some PR stories covered by the press.

Is the company working on anything exciting right now? Yes. Our product development is carried out by an award-winning development chef who is based in Cheshire. We have about 10 new products that we want to bring to market over the coming months. We are also working on our submissions to the World Cheese and Great Taste awards.

We are taking part in a new BBC documentary following the progress of one of our farmers who moved to the United States to embark on a new life. And personally I'm getting to grips with my new toy an iPad! Now how do I turn it on?