Canned tuna consumption has grown by 5% since 1999
More than a quarter (26.4%) of all GB households eat canned tuna in a fortnight, typically eating it just over once a week
92% of canned tuna is eaten cold, with 60% of this eaten in sandwiches
Canned fish is chosen at meals for reasons of health and convenience
Canned tuna has a broad consumer appeal, and does not have a particular reliance on a specific demographic group
Strengths lie with 17 to 44-year-old males and females
Growth over the past year has come from females 25-34 year olds and also 17-24 year old men
Lunchboxes are of particular significance in the market
Tuna sandwiches have seen a 2% growth year-on-year
Growth is also being seen at the evening meal, which currently accounts for 21% of the consumption of canned tuna
Some 20% of canned tuna is eaten with mayonnaise

