Tropicana is muscling in on Britvic’s territory through a bold extension to its portfolio that will see its products launch into the on-trade for the first time.
The company is introducing both its ‘smooth’ and ‘original with juicy bits’ varieties into 275ml glass bottles, which will go head-to-head with Britvic-owned juice brand J20 in pubs and bars across the UK.
The move is part of a £12m investment for Tropicana this year designed to encourage brand loyalty and extend usage of the drink outside breakfast.
“The increased public interest in a healthier lifestyle means Tropicana is a fantastic addition to the licensees’ product portfolio,” said PepsiCo license trade marketing manager Anthony Heaton. A 150ml glass of Tropicana provides one of the 5-a-day portions of fruit and vegetables, he added.
The company is introducing both its ‘smooth’ and ‘original with juicy bits’ varieties into 275ml glass bottles, which will go head-to-head with Britvic-owned juice brand J20 in pubs and bars across the UK.
The move is part of a £12m investment for Tropicana this year designed to encourage brand loyalty and extend usage of the drink outside breakfast.
“The increased public interest in a healthier lifestyle means Tropicana is a fantastic addition to the licensees’ product portfolio,” said PepsiCo license trade marketing manager Anthony Heaton. A 150ml glass of Tropicana provides one of the 5-a-day portions of fruit and vegetables, he added.
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