Kerry Foods is investing £5m in repositioning its Mattessons brand. New packaging from September will feature the well known Mattessons Mmm' strapline. The packs will be colour coded to signpost the variants ­ cooked meats, smoked pork sausage and chilled hot dogs. They will also include meal suggestions such as pasta, stir fry and omelettes, to help give busy housewives ideas for family meals. Premium products will also have "peal and reseal" packaging. An on pack promotion will run at the end of the year and an ad campaign will break in February next year. Brand manager David Connelly said the repositioning would make the brand more relevant to today's consumers and reawaken interest in the "rather dull" chilled meats sector. He added that a key objective is to improve rate of sale in the multiples. From September Mattessons pâté will cease production. New product development in the snacking sector is planned for 2001. {{P&P }}
