Wall's is launching its sausage brand into the Scottish market this month ­ as, incredibly, it has never had a firm footing north of the border. Kerry Foods ­ which bought the brand from Unilever in 1994 ­ has identified Scotland as a region that was underinvested and ignored. It wants to make up for it now and this month will roll out distribution to the Scottish multiples for the very first time. It has devised a category management plan and marketing offensive for Scotland which aims to give Wall's the second largest slice of the £29.9m Scottish sausage market [TN Sofres]. Wall's claims it already has 94% prompted brand awareness in Scotland despite minuscule levels of distribution. The plan is to clear the sausage fixture of the clutter of tertiary brands to focus instead on two national brands, Wall's and Richmond, and two Scottish brands, Hall's and Lawson's. Wall's marketing manager Kathy Hayward said: "This presents a good opportunity for Scottish retailers to reassess the sausage fixture and streamline the range by focusing on the best performing brands." Wall's sausages will appear on the multiples' shelves by the end of the month. Sampling activities will run through March as well as a one-for-every-reader offer in the Scottish Sun and competitions on Scottish radio. Nationally, Wall's is forking out £7.5m in a marketing push behind the Wall's brand this year, including a £6m advertising campaign. {{P&P }}