Asda is planning to report football shirt manufacturers to the OFT unless they agree to supply the retailer with shirts. According to the Sunday Telegraph, Asda wrote to football shirt makers last week to demand they abandon their long-term policy of refusing to sell football shirts in the supermarkets. Asda is launching a petition on its website next month to gain support from football supporters, it said.

Grampian food boss Fred Duncan could receive a £275m payout if the business is sold, The Times has reported. The food group, which has annual sales of £1.8bn and is valued at £400m, has recruited investment banks to find a buyer for parts, or all, of the business. Possible bidders included Brazil's two biggest meat processors, Sadia and Perdigao, according to the paper.

The Sunday Times led with a story that organic food is more nutritious than ordinary produce. The paper cited evidence from a four-year EU-funded project, which found organic fruit and vegetables contained as much as 40% more antioxidants, which scientists believe could cut the risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as higher levels of beneficial minerals.

Delta Two has until 8 November to raise an extra £500m to make a £10.45bn bid for Sainsbury's. The Express reported that the Qatar-backed fund was talking to the Qatar Investment Authority about boosting the equity element of its takeover offer, valuing the supermarket's shares at 600p. Talks between Delta and fund trustees were going well, it added.

A campaign to urge people to return to the values of wartime rationing and reduce their food waste has been launched. The campaign will urge people to plan meals, write and stick to shopping lists, and prepare and cook leftovers and food that is past its prime, said The Observer. Wasted food was estimated to cost each British household between £250 and £400 a year, the paper added.
