Ocado is already attracting big spenders in its first full week of operation. The home shopping service, set up with the backing of the John Lewis Partnership using Waitrose products, is proving popular with shoppers taking advantage of the free delivery if they spend more than £75. More than 1,000 people have signed up for the service in an area covering 100,000 homes in the Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, area. Joint md Nigel Robertson said the most popular lines were fresh food such as fruit and poultry. "We're attracting the complete trolley shop. "Consumer feedback has been excellent ­ we've had a fantastic launch." Ocado is due for a staggered rollout in the M25 area from the current warehouse in Hemel Hempstead, before transferring to a semi automated, purpose-built 1.2m sq ft distribution depot in Hatfield in July. Further distribution centres will then open in major conurbations nationwide. Robertson said: "There is demand for the Waitrose brand nationwide, but even in the south east it is underrepresented in terms of stores." {{NEWS }}