
Happiour, a food and drink promotions app created by former rock musicians Hal and Sam Stokes, has been acquired by MyVoucherCodes.

The app boasts more than 100,000 users in central London and has partnered with over 150 businesses, from local independents to major chains, including Leon, Starbucks and Jamie’s Italian.

The app creates exclusive, real-time, geo-located offers to drive local footfall and sales, sharing and searching for relevant food and drink deals near users’ homes or offices.

Retailers have used it to promote new or seasonal products, exploiting last-minute opportunities or reducing end-of-day waste.

The brothers, previously professional musicians for several years in Los Angeles band The Thieves, said the acquisition would help bring extra scale to the business by promoting the app to MyVoucherCodes’ seven million UK customers.

Hal Stokes said: “We built Happiour to help food and drink companies’ vendors increase sales and enable consumers to enjoy a sense of discovery and reward.

“The average commuter spends over £10 a day on food and snacks, so we created a way of giving them great discounts and making their ‘everyday’ better. We are very excited to be working with the MyVoucherCodes team, and with their help we’ll scale effectively across the UK.”
