Recent reports of a campaign to seek special EU protection for the humble Yorkshire pudding are getting a strong reaction from food producers and restaurateurs alike.

If the campaign is successful and they gain protected geographical status, only puddings made in Yorkshire or Humberside could use the name, much like Champagne and Parma ham.

In practical terms, this could mean thousands of restaurants around the UK will be forced to remove homemade Yorkshire puddings from their menus and companies producing fresh or frozen Yorkshire puddings will no longer be able to do so unless they relocate to Yorkshire or Humberside.

The idea that a simple batter pudding could win protected geographical status is somewhat bizarre, but perhaps not that surprising in an age when consumers are increasingly interested in the provenance of the food they eat.

However, unlike other British products that have secured PGS, such as Melton Mowbray pork pies, Grimsby smoked fish, Swaledale Cheddar and West Country Cheddar, it is questionable whether Yorkshire puddings have sufficient heritage or link to the region.

Last month, Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb secured PGS, but here it was demonstrated that the traditional methods used to grow the crop were only used by a very small number of producers in Yorkshire. The production of Yorkshire puddings, on the other hand, is not limited to a particular area, nor to a particularly traditional method.

If the campaign is successful, it could provide a huge commercial advantage to companies that produce Yorkshire puddings in the geographical area specified. This could lead to raised demand from the UK and overseas. It could also inspire other producers of foods with regional names to follow suit.

For the moment, the pudding controversy continues.

Fiona McBride, trademark attorney at Withers & Rogers