Reduced costs and environmental impact are the main hopes behind the investment in a new fleet of tankers for organic milk producers.
A new deal has been struck between Interoute Transport's specialist milk division and the Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative, which sees Interoute investing in a brand new fleet for OMSCO. The investment, it is hoped, will improve operational cost efficiencies and reduce environmental impact. The fleet will also play an important role in promoting the producers' new logo and strap line Organic milk for life'.
OMSCO currently has around 300 members, making it the largest organic milk marketing organisation, and supplies the majority of organic milk in the UK.
Working closely with the organisation, Interoute collects and delivers more than 230,000 litres of milk each day.
One of the key aspects of the contract is the renewal of OMSCO's existing mixed vehicle fleet which is being replaced by new, larger 36 to 44 tonne tankers along with some 26 tonne rigids.
The fleet, which will operate around the clock, will allow more milk to be carried, which will cut the number of journeys required.
OMSCO's commercial and distribution director Phil Lomas said: "Distribution is our largest single expense and we have to keep our costs down.
"We needed a partner who was receptive to cost-saving initiatives and willing to invest in the equipment needed."

