pay – Page 51

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    Strike action looming in Cadbury wages dispute


    Strike action across Cadbury's UK factories moved a step closer this week after workers voted "overwhelmingly" in favour of industrial action in a preliminary ballot.Unite union officials said workers could down tools within weeks after...

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    We ask... what about the minimum wage rise?


    The rise in the UK national minimum wage from October will cause problems for many small shop owners already struggling to make a living, the results of The Grocer's latest poll indicates.Last month the government announced that...

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    BRC working on minimum wage formula


    Retailers' leaders are to develop a model for determining increases to the national minimum wage.The British Retail Consortium will lobby politicians to adopt the concept, which aims to remove uncertainty surrounding the annual...

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    Wage war on attrition


    Attrition – the cost to an organisation of replacing a staff member who moves on – can have a serious and unplanned-for impact on budgets. This has got to stop, says Steve CrabbBack in the 1980s, a colleague of mine, Bernard Gottleib,...

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    Raising the wage stakes


    With the minimum wage set to rise, will independent stores be able to absorb the extra cost?This month could signal a tough year for some small businesses as they struggle to cope with higher costs. Wage bills in particular, which...

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    Irish retailers reel at new wage rates


    The retail trade in the Irish Republic, already under fire over high food prices, will be hit with an added cost from May when the minimum wage is set to rise by 9% to E7.65 an hour.The Labour Court has recommended the increase, following...

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    Minimum wage warning by BRC


    More inflation-busting hikes in the national minimum wage could cost retailers £2.7bn and 20,000 jobs, the British Retail Consortium warned this week.Almost half (44%) of 1,200 retailers surveyed by the BRC said they would be forced to make job...

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    Feeling the wages squeeze


    It might only be pence, but not all retailers can bear the cost of the adult minimum wage riseNow that the national minimum wage has been extended to include teenagers aged 16 and 17, the topic of wage costs within the independent...

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    Wage fear grows


    Independent retailers have lashed out at the national minimum wage in a survey carried out for The Grocer Top 50 report, which will be published in February.A whopping 69% said rising costs – and in particular the succession of above inflation...

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    Minimum wage hitting c-stores' costs


    Concern among independent retailers about the impact of the looming hike in the national minimum wage is clearly reflected in our latest Reader Panel survey. Although most of the retailers we quizzed described themselves as family businesses not...

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    C-store retailers' alarm at minimum wage hikes


    Anne Bruce Retailers have condemned government plans to raise the minimum wage 75p an hour over the next 20 months as economically devastating. Secretary of state for trade and industry Patricia Hewitt announced the plans to put the wage up...

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    Minimum wage: The quest for cost savings


    The level of increase to the minimum wage has taken independent retailers by surprise. Every retailer contacted by The Grocer in a straw poll this week said the 40p an hour hike, which comes into force in October, was higher than they had expected....

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    Jac Roper's advice centre: Prepare for another minimum wage


    The minimum wage rises again on October 1, putting extra pressure on the payroll. For employees over the age of 22 the rate rises from £3.70 to £4.10 an hour. And according to the person on the other end of the helpline (0845 6000 678), a decision...

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    Independents: Minimum wage rise leaves small retailers with


    Independent retailers have condemned the government's 10% increase in the national minimum wage as blatant electioneering and a move that will cripple their businesses. One of the country's top c-store operators, Eddie Thompson of Scottish chain...

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    Post Office Counters reluctantly OKs national minimum wage


    Post Office Counters (POCL) has caved into demands for the national minimum wage from sub postmasters after intervention by Inland Revenue. But POCL is still fighting another case where four weeks’ paid leave is being claimed under the working time…

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    Retailers cheer news of minimum wage freeze


    The country's small store operators have been cheered by reports the government may freeze the national minimum wage at £3.60 an hour for another year. Trevor Dixon, head of the Association of Convenience Stores, said: "We are delighted. We...