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Source: GroceryAid

GroceryAid’s Diversity & Inclusion in Grocery programme has announced new leaders for the D&I in Grocery 2024 Strategy Steering Group.

The 12-month programme combines industry expertise and practical solutions to help organisations drive progress in diversity and inclusion across the grocery sector.

Simon Smith from Kellanova will be the new chair of the strategy steering group, and Richard Stratton from Tesco will occupy the role of deputy chair.

Smith and Stratton will work with existing steering group members to ensure the D&I Programme meets current and future partners’ needs.

Additionally, they will provide support for members at whichever stage of their D&I journey.

“As the new chair of the Strategy Steering Group, I am excited to continue driving this momentum forward and achieving even more growth and progress”, said Smith.

“I’m looking forward to putting the learnings we’ll gain from our newly launched Maturity Model into practice – ensuring we continue to move from education to action.”

Stratton echoed the sentiment of “real passion and drive” for a more inclusive culture across the industry.

“I am delighted to be a part of the programme and I am looking forward to supporting Simon and the wider steering group,” he said.

“We are so much more impactful when we come together, share ideas, and learn from each other to drive change collectively.”