What was your first-ever job? Working for the Yorkshire & Humber Regional Exam board. I had to check that scores given by the examiner were added up correctly on O-level exam papers.

What’s been your worst job interview? I don’t remember making a hash of an interview but I do remember some bad interviewers that wanted to do all the talking.

What was the first music single you bought? Phil Collins & Phil Bailey’s ‘Easy Lover’.

How do you describe your job to your mates? I make ice cream but there’s more to running Yummy Yorkshire than that… I’ve got the grey hairs to prove it!

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? Creating a new flavour that people really love.

What’s the least rewarding part? Controlling paperwork and keeping on top of emails.

What’s your motto? Expect the unexpected.

What’s your nickname? B. I’m sure there’s more but this is the one I like.

If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be? To eat everything I love without putting on weight!

What’s your favourite movie? Why? I love The Italian Job: the car chases (I love Minis), the stunts, the classic line: “you’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!”

What’s been the most embarrassing moment of your life? I’d say it has to be reversing the car and being so intent on getting [co-founder and husband] Jeremy to stop an artic lorry from blocking me in that I reversed into a fridge.

Any phobias? I’m petrified of heights.

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be and why? Jamie Oliver. I like his enthusiasm and I think we would have a laugh experimenting.

If you could change one thing in grocery what would it be? Let’s stop importing food we already grow in this country, and let’s get back to seasonal food.

What luxury would you have on your desert island? My Kindle. I could spend hours reading books.

What animal best reflects your personality and why? I always call myself a squirrel. My husband is obsessively tidy so I drive him nuts with my piles of paperwork. I tend to move them from one location to another and think that’s being tidy.