Philippe Rondepierre, business development controller for CJ Lang, on mountains, Amelie and Pepe Le Pew

What was your first-ever job? At the age of 14, dismantling original plaster ceilings in a large old house for the company my father worked for.

How do you describe your job to your mates? I try not to and they don't care. A typical conversation between us would go as follows: "How's your work?" "Not bad." "Good! Pint of Bud?"

What is the worst job you've ever had? My first one. I can still taste the dust and feel the ache in my back.

If you could change one thing in grocery what would it be? The prominence of and over-reliance on processed foods. Shoppers only buy it because it's so much cheaper than real food.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? The tremendous variety. I could be driving to a store refit site one day, taking part in a promotions planning meeting the next and investigating a new marketing initiative that same afternoon.

What is the least rewarding part? Persistent, relentless and ever-present deadlines.

If you didn't work in grocery where would you work? In the natural world. Mountain guide would be great.

What's your best interview tip? Don't turn up at the wrong address.

What was your worst job interview? One I had with an underwater exploration technology operation in Aberdeen. Four board directors expected me to devise the marketing plan for their complex operations.

If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be? A paid sabbatical year, during which I would successfully climb all 284 Munros in Scotland.

What is your motto in life? "Manage expectations", otherwise known as "under-promise and over-deliver".

What do you like to do outside of work? Hillwalking, entertaining my nine-year-old daughter, spending time with my girlfriend and learning to play the acoustic guitar.

What's your nickname? It's an embarrassing one. When I played amateur football, my team mates called me Pepé, as in Pepé Le Pew, the French skunk. It has, alas, stuck.

What's your favourite movie and why? Amélie. It's very French. Beautiful images and a quirky original story.

Do you have any phobias? Yes, two. Untidiness and SUVs. Don't ask me to clarify the last one or I'll make too many enemies.

What animal best reflects your personality and why? A chimpanzee: I can be playful, I like a laugh and you know all about it when I get angry.
