What's your favourite restaurant? Racine in Knightsbridge. Great French food.

Do you prefer healthy food or junk food? Healthy, fresh food. My Greek grandmother made everything from scratch. It developed my passion for good food.

Have you ever sent back or complained about a meal? At Chez Gerard at the Opera Terrace, my calves liver was overdone. It had to go back.

What would you request as your final meal? Fresh artichoke vinaigrette, then grilled lobster with clarified butter followed by a tarte tatin, an espresso and an Armagnac.

What's your favourite tipple? Vintage Armagnac.

What would you rescue if your house was burning down? Family and dogs.

What's your fantasy motorbike... and what do you actually ride? Bimota SB6 - a hand-built Italian bike. I had one but wrote it off in August. I ride a Triumph Tiger 955i.

What are you reading at the moment? A Twist of the Wrist by Keith Code.

Pet hates? Reality TV shows and musicals.

What's the best holiday you've ever had? Returning to Kenya, where I grew up, and exploring the coast on a big trials bike.

Do you prefer rugby, football or cricket? Rugby.

What would you like most for Christmas? Another Bimota SB6 and leather slippers.

What's your motto for life? Do it well or don't bother.
