What was your first-ever job? I travelled through Britain as an auctioneer. It was a great first job to develop skills in sales and presenting.

What’s been your worst job interview? I’ve never actually had one. In my early career I always worked for myself and then I founded Manchester Drinks with my business partner Brian, and luckily he didn’t interview me.

What was the first music single you bought? IOU by Freeez.

How do you describe your job to your mates? I’ve got the best job in the world, according to my mates! I make pre-mixed drinks and cocktails.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? There’s nothing more satisfying than starting out with a vision for a new product, then seeing it through to being the finished article on shelves.

What is the least rewarding part? Having to spit out at a tasting session.

What is your motto? There are no strangers in life, just friends you’ve never met.

If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? Free trips to the countries that were the birthplaces of our cocktails.

What’s your favourite movie and why? Raiders of the Lost Ark - classic Indiana Jones at his best. Every man wants to be Indy: he never fails!

What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life? There are a few, but I’m afraid they aren’t suitable for print!

Do you have any phobias? Not really a phobia, but a fear of mine is losing my sense of taste - I couldn’t do my job without it.

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff, who would it be and why? Hilary Devey - she’s northern like us, a great believer in never giving up, and it helps that she is also a big fan of piña colada RTDs.

If you could change one thing in grocery, what would it be? We find that the continued increase in alcohol duty is a strain not only on business but also our consumers.

What luxury would you have on your desert island? One of our ready-mixed piña coladas and a game of backgammon - tropical paradise.

What animal best reflects your personality and why? A dog, but an intelligent breed! They have strong instincts, are loyal and friendly, with boundless enthusiasm.