Name: Eira Evans
Job title: HR manager
Company name: Muddy Boots Software Sales: £2m
HQ: Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire
Number of employees: 42

What's it like to work for your company? We're in a busy and exciting time; the team has expanded and we have just built a new office complex we really do have muddy boots at the moment!

Why is it a good employer? We really care about our team and we always try to recognise good work when we see it. We offer our staff independence, responsibility and room to grow.

What's the best thing about working there? The team spirit. Being in rural Herefordshire makes for a great working environment.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Our new office will be kitted out with a gym, shower block and an outdoor relaxation and dining area.

How does the company differ from its rivals? Our key focus is sustainable food and farming and we are unique in working with the entire supply chain, from retailers to producers. Our international business gives us a global dimension.

Is there a definable company culture? We have a reputation for innovation, quality and trust. We're your partner for good!

If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Land Rover Defender we're reliable and can adapt to challenging markets.

What qualifications can I earn? Prince 2 Foundation training, MCP training for the development team, and language training to assist with our KTP scheme a government-sponsored post-graduate initiative.

Has the company won any awards or been recognised in the last few years as an employer? Muddy Boots was pivotal to Herefordshire coming second place in the Enterprising Britain Awards.

What's your proudest achievement over the last 12 months? Implementing a staff bonus scheme.

What is the most important or challenging HR issue that you are dealing with at the moment, or are readying yourself to deal with? The team has grown recently so we have restructured departments and applied fair systems for everyone.

Are you looking for any people right now and, if so, where? We have finished recruiting all the people we currently need to implement business growth in the next 12 months.

How does one go about applying for a job? Vacancies and application forms are on the website:

What tips would you offer job seekers? Tell us why we need you!

How do I find out more about the company? Check out the website above.

Are you, or is the company, working on anything exciting right now that you can tell us about? We are addressing the challenge of integrating business information in order to deliver traceability and transparency throughout the food supply chain, while focusing on the industry requirements for quality management and sustainable sourcing.
