Job title: Resource manager
Company name: Genius Foods
Sales: Independent research reports sales of £1m per month
HQ location: Edinburgh
Number of employees: 10

What's it like to work for your company? Exciting and rewarding. We're always very busy as Genius is only just over a year old and we are expanding rapidly.

Why is it a good employer? Genius Foods is truly a family business. The team all know they are valued; we celebrate and reward successes as well as help with any problems.

What's the best thing about working there? The people!

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Other than providing as much gluten and wheat free bread as you can eat, we also provide attractive employment packages, which include generous annual leave entitlements.

How does the company differ from its rivals? We recruit very carefully and have put together a team who share the vision for the company, reflect its values and understand the brand.

Is there a definable company culture? Most definitely, we have a clear company vision. That is our determination to be sincere, pioneering, vibrant and perceptive.

If the company were a car what would it be and why? We'd be a Honda CR-Z Hybrid because we're innovative and fun!

What's the training like and what qualifications can I earn? Training is tailored to individuals whether it be ACCA finance, marketing development or updating computer skills. Genius will always encourage the team to develop skills, which will further their career and lead to a better in-depth understanding of their role.

Has the company won any awards? The company has recently been shortlisted for the Outstanding Small Business Award at this year's IGD Food Industry Awards and we have won a number of awards for our bread.

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Securing listings for our bread in all the major multiples since our launch last year.

What is the most important HR issue? As the company is developing rapidly, we are always putting in place processes and routines for training, appraisals etc.

How does one go about applying for a job? Depending on the level of position offered, we use either online recruitment sites or have our preferred recruitment companies.

What tips would you offer jobseekers? Try to reflect your personality in your CV so it stands out from the crowd, and always pay attention to the detail. I'm always amazed at how inaccurate they can be with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, etc. Attention to detail is so important in our company so if the CV were careless, I'd be less inclined to consider the candidate.

How do I find out more about the company? Our website will give you much more information about Genius Foods and its founder Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne.
