Name: Terry Barker
Job title: Marketing director
Company name: Cellar Trends
Sales: £75m
HQ location: Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Staff: 80

What's it like to work for your company?
Happily, the pluses of working with Cellar Trends are much greater than the minuses by a long way thanks to the fun factor.

Why is it a good employer? Because it is small, focused, has a clarity of structure and is rewarding, both personally and financially.

What's the best thing about working there? Working from home, getting results and being successful with a great team.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? The occasional sale (not free) of lamb cuts! Our headquarters is on a Derbyshire farm owned by one of the company founders.

How does the company differ from its rivals? We run our own in-house experiential team, which undertakes sampling and demonstrations in bars and event venues so we are very hands-on with our brands.

Is there a definable company culture? Yes, a family ethos and a strong team ethic.

If the company were a car what would it be and why? I would say a Mini Cooper small, different, quirky, powerful.

What's the training like? On the job.

What qualifications can I earn? The Wine & Spirit Education Trust at many levels.

Has the company won any awards or been recognised in the past few years as an employer? From brand owners, yes Best Distributor awards from Patron, Jägermeister, Luxardo. Best Supplier from Waverley and UKBG

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Making Jägermeister one of the hot cult brands in the UK and a complete relaunch of the Luxardo Sambuca range to maintain its brand leadership.

What is the most challenging HR issue that you are dealing with at the moment, or are readying yourself to deal with? Recruitment for our own Brand Experience Team is top priority.

Are you looking for any people right now and, if so, where? Yes - BET.

How does one go about applying for a job? Via application to advertisement.

What tips would you offer jobseekers? Keep your CV brief and to the point and relevant to the position you are applying for; make it clear and easy to read; apply in time, and if you commit to attend an interview, then turn up or apologise well in advance.

How do I find out more about the company? See our website:

Are you, or is the company, working on anything exciting right now that you can tell us about? Yes, the integration of Amarula cream liqueur into our portfolio plus many development plans for a number of world-famous brands including Skyy Vodka, Campari, plus, of course, Luxardo Sambuca and Jägermeister.
