
Women in Wholesale is increasing the number of mentors available at its annual speed mentoring event.

The event will feature 14 mentors from across the wholesale and convenience sectors, up from nine last year.

The increase has been made possible due to increased funding from the FWD, which took over the running of the organisation in 2021.

It will take place at Convene, 22 Bishopsgate in London, on 26 April.

“Our mentors will share personal stories designed to help mentees with easy-to-implement tips that will boost their everyday confidence, leadership and teamworking skills”, said Elit Rowland, founder of WiW and head of communications at JJ Foodservice.

“If you are looking for a high-impact investment in your female team, this is the event to go to.”

Women in Wholesale’s mission is to empower and inspire all women in the UK foodservice and grocery wholesale sector, as well as supporting them actively, fostering networking and connections and improving personal and business development.

Lyndsey Cambridge, head of engagement and communications at FWD, said: “Networking is crucial to career development, and we are thrilled to support more women than ever before by bringing them together with senior industry leaders in this stunning new venue.”

Women in Wholesale mentors

  • Coral Rose, CEO, Fairway Foodservice
  • Debbie Robinson, CEO, Central England Co-op
  • Emma Senior, MD, Sugro
  • Ruth Fawcett, wholesale & convenience associate director, CCEP
  • Clare Bocking, director, Immediate Impact
  • Martin Holmes, people director, Creed Foodservice
  • Lana Bhikha, joint MD, Woods Foodservice
  • Melanie Tucker, head of out-of-home, Biotiful
  • Richard Howell, founder, Marvel FMCG
  • Ayman Nasreldin, executive coach
  • Holly Pennington, HR manager, Parfetts
  • Kate Carroll, head of charity, Nisa