Master of Wine and wine director of Hatch Mansfield The beer behind this traditional package delivers on all counts. It is gently hoppy with a light mousse and has perfect weight and alcohol balance. When I drank this chilled, I found it was deliciously dry, refreshing and clean; so much so in fact, that I found myself sipping away until I had finished the bottle, which is always a good sign. There is no doubt in my mind that this will continue to gain distribution and consumer appeal as the sun comes out and the temperatures begin to climb. At 99p I also think that it represents excellent value. Overall this is an excellent product. Rating out of 25 ­ 22 Gary McCall Managing director of Poulter Partners The usual austere images of Poland do not allow a great deal of freedom to convey a Polish beer, but EB pushes the design as far as it can. The famous Polish red brings the branding to life and the strong use of gold on the main labels and foil sends out quality cues. EB claims to use only natural ingredients but the key product benefit is not well conveyed ­ particularly disappointing with a beer from a country without brewing credentials. The choice of animals on the main label is strange. The removal of the Iron Curtain has been profound, but free roaming kangaroos and emus is stretching the imagination. Rating out of 25 ­ 17 Carol Du Cann Senior buyer (beers, wines and spirits) at Alldays The red, white and gold livery looks smart and gives this product credibility ­ vital for an unknown brand and the important question ­ will customers buy it? The abv (5.4%) should be more visible on the front ­ this is a plus for many customers. The beer is a clear, golden colour with a contrasting creamy head. It smells fresh and tastes dry and slightly hoppy ­ a typical pilsner type beer. It is becoming more difficult to make money out of branded beer and alternative products are becoming more attractive. Given the right margins and price points, this looks and tastes good enough to succeed. Rating out of 25 ­ 18 Total score out of 100 ­ 76 {{DRINKS }}