Veteran wine brand Piat is returning to its French roots and reinstating the Piat d’Or title across its entire range.
In 2002, brand owner Percy Fox ditched the second half of Piat’s tag when it launched its premium varietal range in a bid to distance them from the entry level wines, which had played up their French origins with the infamous ad slogan, ‘The French adore Piat d’Or’.
But in a radical rethink, Percy Fox has pledged to continue flying the nation’s flag to take on New World rivals.
It is rebranding the whole portfolio under the Piat d’Or banner and introducing a range
of dual varietals. A Merlot/Shiraz and Colombard/Chardonnay launch exclusively in Tesco this month, priced at £4.49, with retailers currently in discussions
over further possible listings. As well as a change in name, the single varietals have been altered to include a Vin de Pays d’Oc Merlot and Chardonnay. A spokeswoman for Percy Fox said: “When we introduced the Piat varietals in 2002 the brand still had some of the baggage from the 1980s and was seen as a bit naff.
“But all our research showed consumers did not associate Piat with the core Piat d’Or range and, as the brand has increased sales, we decided to go back to the full name.”
Piat d’Or is currently the UK’s tenth best selling light wine and the main brand championing France in a sector dominated by New World wines.
A senior wine buyer at a leading multiple said: “Piat d’Or is a major brand and its sales show French wines are still vital.”
Rosie Davenport