Runaway success of Pork Perfection With market research data persistently showing the retail demand trend for fresh pork at best flat, suppliers and multiples are looking for product ideas to rejuvenate this commodity sector as the Bernard Matthews lamb roasts and Dalepack grillsteaks did for sheepmeat in the 1980s, and similar innovations more recently accomplished with poultry (The Grocer, June 10, p19). Tulip International’s claims for the sales of its Danepak Pork Perfection Joints hint at the same catalytic performance. Tulip sales and marketing director Malcolm Parkinson admits “the value added pork sector is relatively underdeveloped” and acknowledges chicken and turkey meal centre products as models for the Pork Perfection range launched in Sainsbury a couple of months ago. Other processors, notably Grampian and Glanbia, have implemented much the same strategy. However, Parkinson’s description of the Pork Perfection launch as “a runaway success” and the request by Sainsbury for range expansion are reminiscent of the lamb and mutton product breakthroughs which sent price ripples across the sheepmeat raw material market. The range so far comprises ready to cook joints on foil trays, in three variants ­ apple and herb stuffing, traditional ale and onion gravy, and crispy pork crackling. {{MEAT }}
