The trade has been asked not to place orders for three drinks which breach the industry's code of practice on labelling. They are the premium packaged spirit Red, from Bass, which is targeted at the on-trade, Turbo White cider produced for Bestway Cash and Carry and Zulu 42 a pps featuring a spray delivery mechanism and imported by Spirit 2000. All have fallen foul of the Portman Group's independent complaints panel. The industry watchdog said the word "invigorating" on Red implied the product enhanced mental or physical performance which contravenes the code. Bass Brewers managing director John Holberry said Red's packaging was cleared by The Portman Group's pre-launch advisory service. "There has been no attempt to mislead consumers, and we are disappointed by The Portman Group's decision." The emphasis on the high strength of Turbo White is also said to be against the rules. Zulu42 was the subject of an earlier bulletin but the pack has yet to be changed. {{DRINKS }}