Nestlé ice cream maker R&R plans to bring pick'n' mix shopping to the freezer aisle with its new Potz range of ice cream tubs.

R&R will introduce the mini tubs of Aero, Smarties, Rolo and Toffee Crisp ice creams (rsp: £1.29 per 220ml tub) into ­retailers next month to plug a gap for a more everyday ice cream treat that can rival premium tubs from the likes of Ben & Jerry's and Häagen-Dazs.

The ice cream tub market has already seen new launches from Baskin-Robbins and Asda's Loaded own-label range this summer, but R&R predicted the familiarity of the parent brands and the soft "McFlurry-like" vanilla ice cream would engage with families and differentiate it from premium single tubs.

Retailers would be able to put the Potz range on long-term multibuy promotions and "create an accessible fun 'pick 'n' mix' experience at the fixture", said Charlotte Hambling, senior marketing manager at R&R.

"Having a three-for-£3 offer would encourage shoppers to buy the different tubs as in a pick 'n' mix area, and the retailers are very excited about this prospect," she said.

The use of branded shelf-ready packaging a first in ice cream tubs, according to Hambling would also encourage trial among families.

"The shelf-ready packaging will really stand out. It has traditionally been difficult to get right in frozen because of the need for robust material," she said.

"With most competitor products positioned more than three times higher on price, the range is a unique addition to the category and will enable consumers to cater for the individual taste and preference of every family member."

Although the September roll-out would be too late to make the most of the key summer season, Hambling predicted that Potz would become popular "among families having a night in".

R&R has teamed up with DVD rental service Lovefilm to raise the profile of the product throughout October, with Potz-branded DVD envelopes, advertising on the Lovefilm website and money-off vouchers for members.