Mahesh Modasia’s Bina Food Store in Northampton is just coming to the end of a facelift which has transformed it into a Premier Store.
While Booker has put up its fascia and is just finishing the inside work, Mahesh has also taken the opportunity to make some internal changes that have opened up the centre of the store and given it a feeling of more space.
He has also shrunk the facings on some lines to generate space for new gondola ends to accommodate the promotions which are provided as part of the Premier package.
Mahesh says Booker had been trying to sign him up to Premier for several years. He was attracted by the prospect of the better promotional deals a group could provide, and the fact that with Premier, retailers can retain the name of the store, but he had resisted because he does not like change. However, Mahesh’s wife Punam persuaded him that
it was time for a change, and customers have already been praising the new look.
One thing that Mahesh will not be changing is his regular visits to Booker’s nearby cash and carry.
Although delivery is an option for Premier customers, Mahesh prefers to pick up products himself and averages three visits a week.
With a large student population in the area, Mahesh looks forward to brisk alcohol sales in the next few weeks as they party their way to the holiday.
Mahesh will have Christmas Day off before opening from 10am to 8pm on Boxing Day and then returning to his regular hours of 9am to 10pm.
