Premium ale is continuing to be the most outstanding sector in a beer market which is struggling to achieve any growth. The latest ACNielsen figures show that pre Christmas beer sales were static at best when compared with the bonanza of the millennium. Against 1998 the category shows growth apart from ales which continue to decline. The exception is the premium end. This is dominated by Newcastle Brown from Scottish Courage, but the regionals led by Greene King's Old Speckled Hen are beginning to make some impact. Volume sales growth in the sector was running at 9.3% in December, with an overall growth for the year of 5.3% Chiswick brewer Fuller's said its London Pride sales were up 27% in December and the multiple grocers put repeat orders in during January indicating sales had gone well. Beer and brands director John Roberts said London Pride had gone from the number eight bestselling premium bottled ale in the grocery sector in 1999 to number four, with annual volume sales rising 26% year on year. This takes the brewer's share in the sector from 9.6% to 10.7%. Its cans of Pride have also done well. Sales were up 25% last year. The Badger Brewery has also put in an impressive performance. Marketing manager Rick Payne said volumes were 47% up in December. This was led by Golden Champion with volumes 50% ahead. Payne said he hoped to overtake Wolverhampton and Dudley to become the fifth biggest player in the premium bottled ale market. Tanglefoot has regained listing in Tesco and the new brew Golden Glory won the Tesco spring beer challenge last year. {{DRINKS }}