Not content with its domination of the wine industry in the UK, Australia now looks to be tackling the premium bottled beer market.
Premium drinks importer Hamana is bringing the Little Creatures Pale Ale brand to the UK, while Pierhead Purchasing has announced it is adding to its Australian Coopers Sparkling Ale brand.
Little Creatures, which takes its name from the live yeasts used to ferment and condition the beer, is a 5.2% abv bottle-conditioned beer packaged in 330ml bottles (rsp: £1.49) and brewed by Little Creatures Brewery in Western Australia.
Howard Cearns, executive director at Little Creatures Brewery, said: “We see exciting potential for Little Creatures within the UK market.”
Asda’s beer buyer, Ged Futter, said the retailer was being bombarded with imported beers from all over the globe.
“There is a whole range of beers coming in from abroad - they all seem to be coming out of the woodwork.”
Meanwhile, Pierhead has a limited quantity of the Australian Coopers 2004 Vintage Sparkling Ale available.
Michael Cook, director of imported beers at Pierhead, said: “We are both very pleased and lucky to get hold of some stock of this highly prized, extremely rare ale. We only have 59 cases of the beer, so we are forced to supply on a first come, first served basis.”
Coopers Vintage Sparkling Ale joins Australian brand James Boags Premium in Pierhead’s portfolio and others in the Coopers range - Pale Ale, Extra Stout and Dark.