All Product prices articles – Page 135


    Grocer 33: Sainsbury's stock and staff impress


    The Sainsbury's in Halifax gets the nod from the Grocer 33 panel

  • PRICES-11-OCT-08

    Grocer 33: Tesco comes in 22p less than Asda


    'Britains biggest discounter' emerges as the cheapest of the bunch in the latest G33

  • News

    Supermarket chiefs say price inflation has reached a peak


    Sir Terry Leahy this week became the third supermarket CEO to predict that food price inflation has peaked. As Tesco announced a 3.7% increase in like-for-like sales in the six months to 23 August, Leahy said: “I think the peak has passed now so...


    Grocer 33: Great service above border at Morrisons


    Inverurie’s Morrisons grabbed the top store award this week with a winning combination of great service and 100% availability – despite being only the fourth best suited retailer to the area

  • PRICES-04-OCT-08

    Grocer 33: Sainsbury's leaps into the lead


    Sainsbury’s has made a stunning comeback to knock Asda off the top spot this week

  • Analysis and Features

    Promo Dynamic: Sainsbury’s dominates in price deals


    The price war may be hotting up, but it doesn’t seem to have reached as far as supermarkets’ prime promotional spots, where activity was subdued at the weekend


    Grocer 33: A Waitrose a notch above the others


    High-quality products and excellent availability as well as friendly and chatty staff helped Waitrose in Billericay land this week’s Top Store award

  • PRICES-27-SEP-08

    Grocer 33: Asda reigns supreme once again


    Asda has bounced back from last week’s £6 drubbing by Morrisons to retake the cheapest retailer title by a comfortable £2.02 margin


    Broccoli defies inflation as price drops 26%


    Poor crops and rocketing supply chain costs have caused produce to increase in price – in some cases by almost 30% year-on-year, reports Richard Ford

  • News

    Co-op’s Marks next to say food inflation has peaked


    The Co-operative Group has joined Andy Bond in claiming food inflation has peaked, less than two weeks after the Asda chief predicted prices would soon start to fall.

  • News

    M&S scorns claims Waitrose is cheaper


    Marks & Spencer this week hit back at claims by John Lewis that Waitrose is 10% cheaper. John Dixon, M&S’s director of food, said he was surprised at John Lewis’s chairman Charlie Mayfield’s comments. M&S products cost the same or less than at...

  • News

    Grocer 33: Tesco's staff give Banbury store a win


    Tesco’s Banbury branch excelled in customer service and availability, to scoop this week’s Top Store award. There were lots of staff available around the tidy store who proved most helpful, walking our customer to the items she needed.


    Grocer 33: Lamb chops give £6 lead to Morrisons


    We all know competition is fierce, but it’s amazing what a lamb chop promo can do for a supermarket’s performance. With Asda’s price on the chops up 62.1%, after a one-week promotion, Morrisons walked away with the prize, with a gap of £6.25 compared with only 26p last week.

  • News

    Weak sterling yields 12% hike for pork producers


    Pork prices are starting to rise at retail as farmers obtain higher prices and weaker sterling makes exporting more attractive to UK producers, says Michael Barker

  • News

    Asda trumps Tesco discount move


    As revealed on (15 September), Tesco this week launched a new range of 350 discounted items in response to the recent gains made by discounters such as Aldi and Lidl. But the news was trumped yesterday when Asda signalled a major price war by slashing the cost of 5,000 items, including every product in its Smart Price range, as Asda chief executive Andy Bond said food inflation had peaked.

  • News

    Asda slashes 5,000 prices as Bond claims inflation has 'peaked'


    Asda has today announced over 5,000 price cuts and said that food price inflation has peaked. From tomorrow Asda will cut the price of every Smart Price product and is claiming shoppers could cut their shopping bill by 50% by switching. It is also lowering the prices of some branded goods and own-label products.

  • News

    Suppliers use desperate tactics to get price rises


    Suppliers are threatening to stop deliveries to supermarkets in a desperate bid to negotiate increased prices for their goods. The week after leading own label manufacturer McBride announced a 47% fall in UK pre-tax profit, a leading investment...

  • PRICES-13-SEPT-08

    Grocer 33: Asda beaten to first place by Morrisons


    Asda has been knocked off the top spot for price for the first time in three weeks by Morrisons, which undercut its nearest rival by just 26p to scoop the title of cheapest retailer.


    Grocer 33: Sainsbury’s impresses in Gateshead


    Sainsbury’s in Gateshead netted this week’s top store award, despite being the fourth-most-suited retailer to the area.

  • PRICES-06-SEPT-08

    Grocer 33: Asda remains cheapest for a third week


    Asda has retained the cheapest retailer title for a third week running, seeing off a resurgent Tesco with a relatively comfortable £1.95 lead