Category insight manager, Chingford Fruit, on glass walls, horses and snakes, and Emma Thompson
What was your first-ever job? Prior to university I spent time breaking, training and competing young event horses - it didn’t feel like a job.
What’s been your worst job interview? My first agency interview after leaving university consisted of being coached to fit a particular job, so much so it felt like acting! Clearly I wouldn’t be able to keep up the pretence long term and decided to cancel the ‘real’ job interview to avoid wasting anyone’s time - if I couldn’t be honest or be myself then the role probably wouldn’t work out!
What was the first music single you bought? Not a single but an album - Kick by INXS.
How do you describe your job to your mates? I’m a fruit nerd.
What is the most rewarding part of your job? Working with others to turn ideas into reality and seeing something we’ve been working on out in the real world rather than just in the confines of our offices.
What is the least rewarding part? Not enough time in the day to get to grips with all the opportunities out there.
What is your motto in life? Be the best you can.
What’s your nickname? It depends who you’re talking to, but Mumf seems fairly popular.
What’s your favourite movie and why? Withnail and I - it’s the most quotable movie ever!
What’s been the most embarrassing moment in your life? Too many to mention, really, but walking out of a meeting straight into a glass wall in front of plenty of onlookers has to be one of the all-time greats!
Do you have any phobias? Snakes are as near to a phobia as it gets.
If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be and why? Emma Thompson. She’s just brilliant at what she does and has a great sense of humour!
If you could change one thing in the grocery industry what would it be? Consumers want better product guidance through ideas, improved product education and knowledge, particularly in relation to fresh produce. Greater product communication would help customers make informed decisions, resulting in better year-round experiences and higher consumption.
What luxury would you have on your desert island? I think the desert island is the luxury.
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