What's your nickname? Scare-rah. I don't think I'm scary, but obviously someone else did. 

Who was your first teenage crush and why? The Norwegian torso of Morten Harket did it for me. 

What was the first music single you bought? The very poptastic Stop! by Erasure 

What did you want to be when you were a kid? Jewellery designer. I spent hours making brooches and earrings with a Playdo-like material called Fimo. I now feel sorry for my family and friends who felt obliged to wear them. 

What's your favourite book and why? The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. The descriptions of Kerala make it a place I really want to visit. 

What's your favourite movie and why? True Romance - action packed and two hours of Christian Slater - yes please. 

What was your worst holiday and why? Los Cristianos, Tenerife - awful hotel, rubbish weather, spent the week walking back and forth on the cockroach-infested promenade. 

What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? As a student in London I used to be a silver-service waitress at the merchant banks in the City. One lunchtime Princess Diana was a guest and, armed with my plate of peas, silverskin onions and potatoes, I entered the dining room... head first, having slipped on some water left by the wine waiters. The dish of peas went flying. I was ushered out of the room and relieved of my duties of serving dessert. 

Do you have any phobias? I was terrified of the Daleks as a child. 

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be? Heston Blumenthal - I'd love him to inject crazy creativity into my team. 

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? Alligator in Florida, but I had some close shaves in China, seeing pickled puppies and snakes in jars and fried bugs and spiders being served as beer snacks. 

If you could star in a TV show, what would it be? A travelling presenter on a holiday show. 

If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do? I'd hang around with orang-utans before they sadly become extinct.
