Name: Chelsea Harrop
Job title: Communications officer
Company: Veganuary
What was your first job? I was a barista at Starbucks during my student days. Think Rachel from Friends but with twice the coffee spills.
What’s been your worst job interview? It was a remote interview years ago and I’d just given my dog a treat to keep her quiet. Instead, she went into full zoomies mode behind me. I had to try and carry on like nothing was happening even though it was clearly visible.
What was the first music single you bought? McFly’s Five Colours in Her Hair. They are my favourite band to this day.
How do you describe your job at Veganuary to your friends? I like to joke that I’m spreading vegan propaganda to the masses. In reality, it’s more of a wild rollercoaster ride.
“I’d love to see a plant-based version of every popular sandwich in the supermarkets”
What is the most rewarding part of your job? The buzz when Veganuary takes off every year. We plan for months and then, out of nowhere, we’re being name-dropped on Coronation Street and Gavin & Stacey.
We also hear from many participants who say their lives have changed as a result of doing Veganuary, and that never gets old.
What is the least rewarding part? Sometimes things don’t go to plan – but we always manage to pull through in the end!
What is your motto in life? I live by the wisdom of a great philosopher called Harry Styles, who says “treat people with kindness”. It’s a good mantra to remember.
If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? Unlimited restaurant vouchers, so I’d never have to cook again. I’d work from a different city everyday and visit every restaurant in the UK that has good plant-based options.
Do you have any phobias? Thunderstorms and the dark. I never sleep without the light or TV on.
If you could change one thing in grocery, what would it be? More variety in vegan grab & go options like sandwiches would be nice. I’d love to see a plant-based version of every popular sandwich in the supermarkets.
What luxury would you have on a desert island? Spotify so I can have music, audiobooks and podcasts to keep me going.
What animal most reflects your personality? According to a Buzzfeed quiz, I’m an owl because I’m quiet, observant, wise and keep to myself. I’m definitely a nighttime person.
What’s your favourite film and why? 10 Things I Hate About You. It has such an iconic cast and life was so much better when films had female-fronted rock bands leading the soundtrack.
Read more on Veganuary:
Shoppers have been re-evaluating red meat, but not necessarily in a good way
Meat-free 2024: Tofoo and This defy plant-based droop
Unilever explores sale of The Vegetarian Butcher as plant-based category slows
What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life? I guess I’ve blocked it out for self-preservation purposes. My mind has a lovely filter for awkward moments.
Which celebrity would you most like to work with and why? Harry Styles or Hayley Williams. They’re both iconic and if they ever took part in or supported Veganuary, I could happily retire.
What would your death row meal be? I would order my favourite dish from my local vegetarian and vegan restaurant. The dish is called Mowglihar Tofu and I could eat it forever.
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