Daniel Lamsdale

Name: Daniel Lamsdale

Age: 23

Job title: Assistant manager

Company & location: Blakemore Retail, Spar Battlefield

Education: Aberystwyth University, studying Animal Science

Why did you decide to go for a career in food? My first ever job was on a fruit and veg market stall when I was 15. The knowledge that was required about each product interested me from the start and when the opportunity came up to follow a career in food, it was a chance I could not pass on. There were other appealing parts to the job that were not specifically linked to the food. The interaction with customers and how food can bring people together was an atmosphere that appealed to me.

Explain your job to us in a sentence (or two): My job is to ensure the smooth running of the store whilst driving sales forward for maximum profit. I also have to ensure that the store looks its best at all times and that people have a positive experience within the store.

What does a typical day look like for you? No two days are the same. There are certain things which must be done daily and to a schedule, such as the ordering of products. There are a few other daily jobs which must be done but other than that, due to the different situations that can arise on a daily basis, there is no such thing as a typical day.

Tell us about how you went about applying for your job. One of my supervisors at the time knew about my plan to progress in my career and saw an advert in a local paper for a trainee manager role within the company. I applied online and sent my CV and application to my area and regional managers at the time. My area manager offered me an interview which involved a chat about my degree and why I wanted to progress, and he offered me the position.

What’s the best part about working for a food company? For me, the best part is the variety of job roles that are available. There are opportunities to develop different skills and to grow as a person. Whilst being in this job, I have found out a lot about myself and how I react in varying situations. Due to the role being so fast-paced, quick and effective decisions are paramount and make the role exciting.

“The attention to detail that is required to achieve the highest standards must never slip”

And what’s the biggest misconception people have about working in food & drink? I believe that some people do not realise the work that goes into the maintenance of a food and drink outlet and the issues that arise on a day-to-day basis. There are a lot of potential problems that can negatively impact the store, which are out of the control of the team and I believe a lot of people are not fully aware of.

What advice would you give to other young people looking to get into the food & drink industry? Be prepared for a fast-moving environment and to never have a ‘slow day’. The attention to detail that is required to achieve the highest standards must never slip and you have to be able to keep your eye on a number of areas.

What’s your ultimate career dream? To be in charge of operations within a company. I want to have control over what happens within a business and to have a direct impact on a lot of different parts of the business.

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