Name: Malachy McReynolds
Job title: Managing director
Company name: Elizabeth Shaw
Sales: £10m HQ: Bristol
Number of employees: 12

What's it like to work for your company? It can be tough covering the whole of the UK and a number of international markets with a small team, but we operate in a collegiate, open style with each person expected to look out for all the others in the business.

Why is it a good employer? Freedom of action and a great deal of autonomy is given to each member of the team, and this can bring enormous personal satisfaction.

What's the best thing about working there? The fact that everyone recognises the name Elizabeth Shaw and knows exactly what we do. It gives us a great personal buzz to know that just 12 of us manage a brand that is instantly recognisable anywhere in the UK.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? An endless supply of tasting samples of chocolates, including regular sessions to check how our Famous Names liqueur chocolates are faring on shelf life we actually know they last, but it's fun checking them out!

How does the company differ from its rivals? We are still an independent chocolate company, based in the city where we were founded 130 years ago.

Is there a definable company culture? Lack of hierarchy and a sense of irreverence although never about our consumers, customers or brands.

If the company were a car what would it be? Given our location and history, it has to be a Bristol. To quote the manufacturer's own description of the cars, they are "nicely understated" and "based on tradition rather than ostentation" just like us.

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Not only surviving, but actually improving profitability despite feeling the teeth of the severest recession we have suffered in my lifetime.

What is the most important or challenging HR issue you are dealing with at the moment? Making available space and time to offer our people the training and development they want and deserve.

Are you looking for any people at the moment? We will be looking to strengthen our marketing function during the remainder of the year, as we step up our growth plans for 2011.

How does one go about applying for a job? Email

What tips would you offer job seekers? Only apply if you're prepared to bring in cakes on your birthday!

How do I find out more about the company? Take a look at our website: and look on the shelves of any of the major retailers in the UK to see our products

Is the company working on anything exciting right now that you can tell us about? Two great additions to our Famous Names brand for Christmas this year a Vodka Collection and a single flavour Harveys Bristol Cream offering.
