With a need for food and drink businesses across the UK to demonstrate sustainability practices, Wales is showing why B Corp certification has become key in its bid to be one of the most sustainably responsible supply chains in the world.

Considered an international gold standard for sustainability, B Corp involves a holistic approach which requires engagement from all aspects of a business to maintain its accreditation, including how the business operates, its structure, its employees and production processes, alongside transparency and accountability.

With greater performance reported, compared to non-certified businesses, the number of B Corps in the UK is rising. Over 1,400 businesses are certified, including almost 200 in the food and drink industry, with the vast majority of those being SMEs and startups.

The benefits of B Corp are undeniably appealing. B Corp certified businesses report increased motivation and engagement from employees, as well as greater networking opportunities within the B Corp community.

And the benefits do not end here. While an increase in customer loyalty and advancement in innovation are also apparent, the B Corp logo is gaining recognition and is synonymous with a business’ commitment to maintaining high standards of environmental and social responsibilities.

Resonating positively with consumers, B Corp can contribute greatly to sales growth, making it not only an ethical but a sound commercial choice for businesses.

As the community of B Corps grows, sharing expertise and knowledge, while practising, promoting and maintaining environmental responsibility, sustainability, traceability and social justice, a network of socially responsible food and drink supply chains are created, contributing to the overall success of the sector.

As such, the food and drink sector in Wales is recognising the importance of B Corp, with businesses seeking the gold standard. With support available through Welsh Government, businesses can access help to become more sustainable through training programmes such as Food & Drink Skills Wales/Sgiliau Bwyd a Diod Cymru and becoming a member of the Food & Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster.

With the Welsh Government aiming to create one of the most environmentally and socially sustainable supply chains in the world, food and drink businesses in Wales are positively on board.

Welsh B Corp stars

As March marks B Corp month, the food and drink industry in Wales celebrates its growing number of businesses now bearing the mighty ‘B’.

Coaltown Coffee

Coaltown Coffee resized

“Coaltown is B Corp and B Corp is Coaltown. Our founding principles were to be ethical, transparent and sustainable, and B Corp has allowed us to follow set guidelines to ensure that we keep this promise. It has been a massive achievement to receive this commendation – and all companies should strive for this as a standard for our future.

“We are constantly changing and adapting to improve and better ourselves to ensure a brighter, greener future. We care about more than just profit. All decisions are made with nature in mind.”
Scott James, founder, Coaltown.

Drop Bear Beer

Drop Bear core range(2) cropped

“Doing good by people and the planet has always been a priority for Sarah and I, so we were already operating the business as a B Corp. We completely understand the importance of third-party accreditation to consumers, so it’s important that we back up any claims we make. B Corp certification provides reassurance to our customers that we always strive to do the best we can in all senses.

“B Corp has certainly helped us increase sales and has also assisted us in the creation of a positive work culture that prioritises wellbeing. I think the main benefit has been providing a strong structure to our sustainability and ethical goals, allowing us to increase our efforts as our business scales. It has also been great to join a community of like-minded purpose-driven businesses.”
Joelle, co-founder, Drop Bear Beer Co.


Flawsome - sparlking range resized

“The decision to pursue B Corp certification was driven by our deep-rooted commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Businesses have a crucial role in creating a positive impact on the world, and B Corp certification aligns perfectly with our values.

“Our pursuit of B Corp certification has significantly enhanced our business. From day one, the process has streamlined operations by reducing waste and increasing efficiency. Beyond cost savings, it has bolstered our brand reputation, resonating with environmentally conscious stakeholders.

“B Corp certification serves as a testament to our commitment to responsible business practices, opening new avenues for collaboration and reinforcing our dedication to a sustainable and ethical future.”

“Looking forward, we anticipate continued sales growth and the attraction of top talent who value our commitment to social and environmental responsibility. In essence, B Corp approval is propelling both our market standing and internal culture toward sustained success.”
– Karina Sudenyte, co-founder, Flawsome!

Halen Môn


“As our whole business is founded on the principles of sustainability, it was a natural step to seek objective accreditation to join our BRC Grade AA+. The Cluster [see details below] was instrumental in supporting us. We were able to access individual help on specific questions and policies.

“It is early days for us. We are using the work we’ve put in as a benchmark for improvements. We are establishing a working group at Halen Môn to take different aspects forward and improve everything from our energy consumption to our waste recycling. We’re keen that our staff take an active a part as possible and apply what we do at work, at home.”
– Alison Lea-Wilson, Halen Môn


Hilltop Honey range resized

“We wanted to make a positive impact, both socially and environmentally, and felt that our principles have always aligned with the B Corp philosophy. By acting socially and responsibly with product, people, and processes, we saw the accreditation as an opportunity for long term sustainability of our operations, to drive improvements in the right areas and to be the first to market in our sector.”
Scott Davies, founder, Hilltop


Bounce Indulgent Pack Shot cropped

“We are totally committed to embedding B Corp’s values, and we already have workstreams up and running to help us to continuously improve. Being part of the B Corp community allows us to be involved in the movement and to help lead change in the food industry.

“The next step for us is to really embed the B-Corp principles into our business, knitting these together with our existing impact strategy. From this we have developed a roadmap of areas to improve over the next 3 years, seeking to have a positive impact on our communities.”
– Simon Faithfull, chief growth officer, Wholebake

Food & Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster

A key support mechanism available to businesses in Wales is the Sustainability Cluster, which supports and develops sustainable practices across the agri-food industry. The cluster, which is part of the wider cluster network run by Food & Drink Wales is delivered by using the successful triple helix approach with government, industry and academia working hand in hand to tackle common industry problems.

Providing intelligence to businesses, the cluster develops networks and industry expertise to help Wales’ aim to become a world leader in sustainability.

With more than 100 members from across the industry, along with government bodies and 30 academic organisations, one of the ways it has been helping develop sustainable practices is supporting food and drink businesses achieve B Corp status.

Lesley Griffiths MS, Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, the Welsh Government Minister responsible for the industry, says: “The progress made so far has been pleasing; we have a clear vision in Wales to create one of the most socially responsible food and drink supply chains in the world.

“Ensuring sustainable practices are at its core is vital to its future successes and this includes a wide range of initiatives and support, such as promoting environmentally friendly practices and ethical sourcing. I am also pleased at the growing number of Welsh businesses who have gained B Corp accreditation, and it is certainly an area to grow in the future.

“The food and drink sector in Wales is thriving and we want to see this continue. The latest figures for Welsh food and drink exports show they were worth £797m in 2022, the highest recorded yearly value, while BlasCymru/TasteWales 2023 saw a new high based on confirmed and potential sales of £38m. The commitment and innovative spirit food and drink businesses in Wales have to succeed is clear to see, and the Welsh Government will continue to support them to reach their goals.”

 For further information visit food-drink.wales/business
