First Quench aims to rebrand 153 BP Connect Victoria Wine outlets to Thresher Wine Shops by May 17. The ambitious project is part of First Quench's ongoing Victoria Wine conversion plan. Head of strategic partnerships Maureen Gilbert explained the narrow turnaround: "We want to complete the rebranding in time for a big marketing push surrounding the World Cup. "Obviously this is a huge job. The first BP site was rebranded two weeks ago ­ the flagship Hammersmith flyover site. But the total rebranding programme will start on May 6." Gilbert said there were currently 807 Victoria Wine Shops not including BP outlets. First Quench aims to rebrand all of them within 18 months, excluding Scottish stores. She added: "Victoria Wine will remain in Scotland, where it's our biggest brand." First Quench has appointed six marketing agencies to coordinate a massive summer marketing drive. The campaign will centre on the World Cup and the Golden Jubilee and began this week with a promotion running in partnership with Thomas Cook. Customers will be able to get half-price US flight fares when they buy three bottles of wine from First Quench's new Californian wine range. {{NEWS }}