Archive of all rankings reports – Page 21

  • Rankings

    Top 50 Independent Retailers 2011


    The Top 50 posted a whacking 35% hike in profits last year. But that doesn’t mean they’re all in rude health – or that the recent flurry of deals signals a new wave of M&A activity, writes Beth Phillips Deal or no deal? After three years of virtually no mergers ...

  • Rankings

    Hot 100 Convenience Stores 2011: A first for the industry


    No one’s done it before. But now 37,000 of the country’s c-stores – their locations, facilities, competition and customer bases – have been weighed up so we can reveal the UK’s 100 hottest spots for convenience retailing. Nick Hughes reports

  • Rankings

    Hot 100 Convenience Stores 2011


    No one’s done it before. But now 37,000 of the country’s c-stores – their locations, facilities, competition and customer bases – have been weighed up so we can reveal the UK’s 100 hottest spots for convenience retailing. Nick Hughes reportsIn all the scrutiny that accompanies Tesco, the role of its ...

  • Rankings

    Hot 100 Convenience Stores 2011: Top independent is a magnet for passing commuters


    Slap bang in the middle of London; spitting distance from two mainline stations; a huge student residence nearby; even a blue plaque to mark its historical significance c-store spots don’t come much hotter than this.

  • Rankings

    Hot 100 Convenience Stores 2011: Top store has no rivals, just a perfect location


    The One Stop in Hampton Hargate, Peterborough, is a lesson in successful store location. A 10-minute drive from the city centre, it is just off a busy junction of the A1, so it’s an ideal pit stop.

  • Rankings

    Big 30 Wholesalers 2011


    Bestway and Booker are in the driving seat, but will consolidation among the Big 30 wholesalers accelerate? And what form will it take? Elinor Zuke reportsWith fuel prices through the roof, inflation and unemployment on the up, a VAT increase, and the prospect of a rise in interest rates, there’s ...

  • Rankings

    Top Products Survey 2010


    Fighting fit? Or under the weather? Tara Craig looks at the winners and losers in The Grocer’s 58-page Top Products Survey 2010 in association with NielsenRioting students. An uneasy coalition government. Strikes. Cutbacks. The return of infl ation. Rises in VAT, NI, duty. And the woeful winter weather. It’s not ...

  • Rankings

    Britain's 100 Biggest Alcohol Brands 2010


    Consolidation, recession and restructuring have resulted in significant changes to the shape of the alcoholic drinks industry in Britain. Have the acquisitions and disposals paid off? Graham Holter reportsDrinks marketers like to talk about brand loyalty among consumers, but there is precious little among suppliers.Consolidation has resulted in dozens of ...

  • Rankings

    Britain's 100 Biggest Brands 2010


    The music industry is on its knees. The age of digital download has made a mockery of phrases like ‘triple platinum’ - no reserved only for the most rare and TV pump-primed acts. The only way brands make money these days is with a worldwide tour.So how do Britain’s Biggest ...

  • Rankings

    The Top 50 Independents: The will to survive


    The past year hasn’t quite been apocalyptic, but at times it has felt like it. Beth Phillips looks at how the UK’s Top 50 independent retailers have fared – and finds variety discounters and small supermarkets leading the wayArctic weather conditions brought more misery last month, but they were great ...

  • Rankings

    The Big 30 Wholesalers 2010: Wheels within wheels


    Rising costs and a fiercely competitive market have put the skids on wholesalers’ profits over the past 12 months but there are signs that some parts of the industry are regaining traction. Peter Cripps reportsThe wheels of change are turning in wholesale. Food and fuel price inflation combined with inevitable ...

  • Rankings

    Top Products Survey 2009


    With the recession weighing down on the industry, only the fittest can bear the strain. But deep discounts and trusted brands mean grocery is muscling on.The outlook for this year was pretty bleak. If the global economic meltdown didn’t leave you without savings, a pension or a job, then swine ...

  • Rankings

    The Grocer Fast 50 2009


    The Grocer’s first annual Fast 50 charts the suppliers growing most rapidly in UK food and drink. The report, compiled exclusively for The Grocer by Catalyst Corporate Finance, is full of surprises.While high-profile start-ups like Innocent Drinks, Gu and Tyrrells grab the headlines, the real engine of growth in the ...

  • Rankings

    The Billetts Top 100 FMCG Advertisers


    The UK’s biggest-spending brands are refusing to scale back on advertising despite tough economic times. Why are they pouring money into ad campaigns rather than trimming costs? Alex Black reportsAd agencies, media planners, even business school professors will be able to show you famous case studies Lucky Strike, Kellogg’s Corn ...

  • Rankings

    The Grocer/OC&C Top 150 Suppliers 2009: Clear skies for brands, heavy clouds for own label


    The UK’s top food and drink manufacturers are battling chaotic economic weather. One minute the barometer needle is pointed towards high pressure inflation and mounting costs, the next it has swung towards recessionary chill.Inevitably some are coping better than others. The big branded players have even enjoyed a few moments ...

  • Rankings

    Britain's 100 Biggest Brands 2009


    These are challenging times for brands - even for Britain’s 100 Biggest Brands. Will recession stale the infinite variety of innovation among the brands celebrated in this special supplement? p4-8: Features - Will recession stale the infinite variety of innovation among Britain’s Biggest Grocery Brands? And what is the route ...

  • Rankings

    The Big 30


    Fluctuating petrol prices, food inflation, the squeeze on lending - it’s fair to say the credit crunch has made it a whole lot harder for wholesalers to compete effectively with the multiples over the past year.Throw into the mix duty fraud (cash & carries claim it deprived them of up ...

  • Rankings

    Salary Survey 2009


    Senior executives are scared of switching jobs in the current economic environment and employers are having to offer some pretty juicy bait to lure people away from the security of their current roles. Unfortunately, there aren’t a wealth of high-level jobs out there – and the generosity only extends so ...

  • Rankings

    Top Products 2008


    With food price inflation, recession and the rise of the discounters, it’s been a helter-skelter year. Here we reveal the year’s risers and fallers, from alcohol to tobacco, baby goods to laundry, and report on the battle that continues to rage between branded and own-label products.The survey is sourced using ...

  • Rankings

    100 Must-Stock New Products 2008


    Some are big power brands, some small niche players. But they all share one thing in common - they should be on your shelves now. We pick the products that are destined for the big time