Who’s up?

↑ 25 Celebrations

Celebrations Chocolate Christmas Tree Advent Calendar

91 (116)

Mars Wrigley brand Celebrations has rocketed into the top 100 with a £24.1m gain. Units are up 15.1% after inventive marketing over the crucial Christmas period 


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↑ 14 Regina


99 (113)

Regina has made a return to the top 100 with a sizeable £15.8m gain. And it’s grown units 27.3%, thanks in part to a 10.2% reduction in average price per pack


↑ 13 Comfort


65 (78)

The May launch of the high-tech 15-strong Botanicals range, backed by a £9m spend, was a pivotal moment for Comfort. The fabric conditioner brand is up £27.8m


Who’s down?

↓ 17 Cushelle

ESS 829 Cushelle QTD 6Roll Longer_HR

93 (76)

Cushelle’s £18.6m fall is in large part due to Brits trading down to cheaper loo roll. Shoppers’ negative reaction to the reformulation of Quilted in the summer didn’t help matters, either


↓ 11 Flora

90 (79)

Flora has hired Gordon Ramsay for its latest campaign. The activity is all part of efforts to recoup a £13.2m loss, which comes in spite of sustainable and trendy launches in the past 12 months


↓ 11  Quorn

Quorn Cheesy Nacho Nuggs

74 (63)

The plant-based category has slumped – and Quorn is no exception. It’s lost £17m, which it hopes to claw back with NPD such as September’s Cheesy Nacho Nuggs.