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Karen Wright, West Midlands Food & Drink Cluster Manager comments:“The FSA Consultation will be helpful in securing recognition for the significant work already being done and products coming to market which are helping to provide consumers with a greater choice of healthier option food. As a region which is responsible for 10% of England’s food and drink manufacturing we have recognised to maintain market share and grow the sector we have to proactively respond to consumer demands. In this respect the region has been ahead of the game and working on increasing the range of healthier products that can come to market for a number of years.  

An example of the breakthroughs we are seeing is demonstrated by the development by Birmingham University who have developed a product made out of mushroom protein that ensures that low calorie products maintain a mouth feel that satisfies the appetite. This technical development came out of research that many low calorie products leave the consumer feeling unsatisfied. Further research has been undertaken by Aston University around the 'feel good factor' that foods provide, for example, monitoring women on diets, whether almonds assist with heart health and a Herefordshire producer is poised to bring an apple based functional food product to market over the coming months. Producers in the region are responding to the trend of reduction of trans fatty acids and an example can be found in Just Oils in Staffordshire who have developed a cold pressed Rapeseed Oil, which is seen to be a healthier way of using vegetable oils, along with many of our smaller producers who only use natural ingredients in their products.

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