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I remembe proudly being shown an order catalogue for ex-Safeway stores that contained suggested orders. When I said that it was great that stores didn't need to actually do anything to get stock I was informed that actually if they didn't key anything into the system they still wouldn't get anything.

Ken walked into Hayes and stated that it wasn't a merger, it was a takeover, and threw out more than the just-in-time ordering systems, but also thousands of highly trained staff. They used Safeway as real estate, nothing more, and the tried to run the stores as if they were all based in Yorkshire.

A few years ago I went to the head office for a meeting and had to park in a council estate as they hadn't allowed for enough car parking for visitors!

They need a total shake up, bringing in senior people who understand what retail is all about in the 21st century, or they won't survive much longer.

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