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No you right it's not the case as the money been stolen, but all the employees and investors off the business have lost out, and we have lost faith in the business and why have the staff lost so much money and where the surport to those, do in the great schemes off things I believe that 4 should be sack and quote that again the 4 up the top should be sack, because in away they have lost money, because if we wipe off £200 or so on shrink we are given informal then again it's displianry action it's complete bollocks we have been under paid and have to work extra hours because that what's the company wants and if we only did the contracted hours as managers we get displianry action, we can leave stock going out off date, which is clearly in the warehouse, we throw away a load off money with regards to poor ordering look at how much fresh food we throw away it's tottally bonkers seriously we glad we have David lewis on board and let's hope these issue will sort out

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