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Claire, I share your enthusiasm and optimism for wanting to change the juggernaut! It seems though that our supermarkets are not for the ‘off the satnav’ turning.....especially in a tough trading year like 2015 when the message to cutting edge suppliers like us is "ooooh we really love your drinks, your smooth supply chain setup, your health credentials, your passion for wanting to introduce new and exciting ingredients to our customers who are increasingly open to better for you food & drink" BUT - and pick any from the following list of responses - (i) we need to focus on driving availability of Coke and energy drinks, (ii) we're about to begin SKU rationalisation", (iii) Aldi/Lidl don't stock many of these types of drinks, (iv) I can't afford not to follow what xxxxx retailer is doing, and (v) the rearview mirror data sets I have to hand don't think xxxx is a big opportunity plus the category captain agrees. The financial pressure will ease eventually so forward-looking food & beverage ventures should not take their foot off the "better for you" pedal! It means in the short term a few deft moves to drive availability & awareness!

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