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Palm oil companies sing the lame ole lame ole tune and its getting tiresome as they are refusing to touch on what they know.

Consumers drive the demand for sustainable palm oil and with the credibility of RSPO being at such a low level due to the presence of members like Wilmar Group, ranked worst of 500 publicly traded companies worldwide, why should we ask the brands we buy from to use RSPO product?

Granted the RSPO has shown a lot of teeth recently in enforcing its standards but members like Wilmar must make a total commitment to its standards.

Cases in point: developing a warehouse in Balikpapan Bay in Borneo that is killing off a marine ecosystem. There maybe twelve other companies killing the area but none of them claim to be producing "sustainable" product. Wilmar is.

Same thing with their new monster plantation in Nigeria. They may have bought over an existing plantation that was in open violation of Nigerian laws but again, the old company did not claim to be producing "sustainable" product. Wilmar is.

If the RSPO can get all its members to abide by its standards or remove offensive ones, then we as consumers, will demand the use of RSPO product and that's where the truly sustainably produced palm oil will see demand sky rocket.

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