>>market grows 5.3% to £1.5bn

The UK chilled yoghurts and potted desserts market was valued at £1.5bn for the year ending January 30, 2005, growing in value by 5.3%, above total packaged grocery growth of 3%. More than 96% of the population purchased into the market at least once in the latest year and the market was purchased on average three times a month.
Chilled yoghurt is the largest sector, valued at £852m, with a market share of more than 56%. It is driving total market performance, with strong year-on-year value growth of 7.5%. Müller continues to dominate the yoghurt sector, with Müllerlight and Müller Corners the biggest brands. Danone Activia has performed strongly in the past year, reflecting the success of functional products. Also, Nestlé Sveltesse has shown value growth in the latest year.
The chilled potted desserts sector is worth £459m, showing relatively static growth in the latest year (1.4%), with sector share down 1.2%. Müllerice and Onken mousse are the dominant brands in this sector, with Weight Watchers mousse showing strong performance among branded desserts (up from 25th to 8th largest dessert brand in latest year).
Fromage frais is the smallest sector with a share of 13.3% (£202m) and is growing in line with the total market at 5.3%. Yoplait Petits Filous and Yoplait Wildlife are the largest brands, with strong year-on-year performances driving growth within the kids fromage frais sector.
At a manufacturer level, Müller Dairy dominates with more than a quarter of the market, but it is static in the latest year. Yoplait Dairy Crest, the number two manufacturer, is driving market growth. Although branded products represent nearly two-thirds of the market, own label is increasing its share, growing by 8.3% in value.
Tesco remains the dominant retailer with a year-on-year growth rate of 9% and share of 28%, an over-index of 11% compared with total packaged groceries. Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose and The Co-op also performed strongly, driving total market growth.
Barbara Ganon, TNS Superpanel
